KCS Reason for the Season

Give a Gift, Change a Life

For the past 18 years, KCS has partnered with the George Hull Centre in Etobicoke to coordinate the Reason For The Season (RFTS) initiative.  

This initiative provides support to local families in desperate need this holiday season.  These families are deeply impacted by poverty, housing instability, and food insecurity.

A simple gift card may not seem extravagant, but it offers families a lifeline  - to food, transportation, warm clothing, and personal care items.  It also allows parents the privilege of selecting and giving their child a gift. This empowerment is an intangible opportunity that embodies the true essence of the season - the gift lies in the act of giving.

The RFTS initiative continues to be a beacon of hope and support to these families at this time of year.  This underscores the compassion and commitment of the KCS community to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.

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